
After Mitch Omer (our visionary chef/founder) fell ill, doctors throughout the Twin Cities scrambled to find a cause. Test after test, nothing was found, and then on Dec 18, 2015, Mitch just never woke up, stunning us all.

It turns out our beloved Mitch passed away the week before Christmas from an undiagnosed enlarged heart, and after the shock of losing him, we realized that the timing was not just painful, but also tragically poetic. You see, Mitch WAS our Father Christmas. Year after year, he added more and more bling to his Santa Zoot soot, complete with a snappy fedora hat and even spats.

Today's True Story isn't very long. Instead, we thought we'd share some pics of this marvelous human being with a truly big, loving, and joy-filled heart. "Merry Mitchmas!" to you all, as he used to say while he flipped us all the bird with a smile.

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